
Archive for June, 2009

Its still Darker in Here

Its still Darker in Here


                                                                              Ever since Dreams became a part of My lonely slumber, they held U as the only prisoner in their imaginary dungeons, for U tamed them with great but unreal innocence.After all, Uve exploited My unexcavated weakness with intelligence of age, deceiving My heart’s powerful probing sense by making it to conform an establishment of undiscovered ignorance inside Me. Contrary to the normal way of handling the situation, I started to showcase My patience to experience the effects of this strange attack and monitor them closely to unearth the hidden intentions of the Culprit.

                                                       When I kept the investigation in the back burner and started granting My concern for that visual dream, I was stuck in the viscosity of vagueness of that situation I was dragged into. Though it seemed attractive, My heart always trembled in fear for those would be negative aspects of My Dream’s Obscurity. Though My eyes were humiliated, they quickly started a search for a way out for I was lost in the dense Jungle of Wilderness in My Dream of Darkness. When I was in a standstill, My cowardly body started pressurizing My fearless but lazy mind for action by constantly releasing those alien harmones of anxiety and fear. The notorious darkness as a result of the Jungle’s pervasive density made My mind struggle to make a  Judgement. At this crucial moment, I saw U walking alone in a distance with a firm resolve not to kill the Silence of that Environment. The confidence and consistency in Ur walk seemed as if U were a child of that Jungle. As the surrounding air was fostering fear inside Me, It resulted in a extraordinary hope on U and unknowingly I started following U. Where It takes Me, I dont know but U are My only Hope for Me to experience My Future.


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Where am I???

Where am I???

Its been a long time I’ve stopped writing may be that one month is really a long time for a passionate writer like me. So I couldnt hold that momentum for I’m not destined to, I came up with yet another post.

When people began firing at me with their looks, embedded with bullets of doubt and disbelief, based on their pre-established and notorious perceptions on me, I was not amused but overjoyed bcz they were deceived in their thoughts by my changed but normal looks. The causes of my Peculiar behaviour are many but what concerned My mind was the false and negative perspectives of their beliefs. I always believed facts are facts whether they are agreed by many or not and there are also some which can’t be distinguished by truth and falsehood bcz they are those incorporated perceptions in the unknown roots of their minds. My silence became a serious motivational factor to arouse suspicion by default and easily incline them towards natural negativity in that lived life of mine but Ironically, situation from my side surely thwarts them with obscurity bcz that silence was gradually becoming my most valued possession for I acquired it planting those bitters seeds of action with ignorance opposing my curious and involving mind.

Eyes are gradually becoming  my weapons of communication but a matter of confusion to them. As Im becoming more interested and excited in behaving in ignorance, My silence is becoming a rising tide. I know every tide should fall someday but I dont fear for its future. It’s avoiding unnecessary and sometimes necessary discussions but still Im experementing it with whole of My heart. And more important point is that My behaviour is not at all contagious bcz I see people are like they are before and the change Within Me is out of Forced Ignorance.


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