
Archive for January, 2012

Ends in a New Outcome

” The Evolution of Human Societies is based upon the CONFLICT between Natural Forces and Human Reasoning “

                   In all my experiences, what I observed in this world is the existence of opposing forces in the making of  every event and the outcome of those events takes the world forward. Whether the events relate to the Physical World which are governed by the Laws of the Universe or the Social World which is governed be set rules-all the events are an outcome of the Clash of Opposing forces and one force winning over the other.

                   In the societywhich is a conglomeration of human groups, the two major Forces that decide the movement of the society are  1] The force that encourages competition for Resources of the World and 2] The force that discourage competition for Resources of the World. The pace of the movement of any Society in a direction is decided by Which forces dominate which forces at that point of time. For example, Capitalism as a Force encourages competition believing that Competition give free choice and is democratic.It also promotes innovation. Another example..Religion as a Force(most of them) discourage competition for resources and make man fall behind imaginary Superbeing or donate his acquired wealth in the name of Greater After Life.

                  Generally as per human rationality, one can see that it is the competing for resources that is making human mind grow and bringing lots and lots of human inventions and innovations into the world. Some may falter in the process of competition but we can see Competition is leading to the growth of technology. However this also has its own disadvantages. The growth of technology is decreasing man’s natural abilities and also it is decreasing man’s immunity to tolerate to diseases. Now we witness countless diseases at the fore of human body and many more will come. These conditions will still increase the competition for wealth because we believe the cure for the above mentioned problems lies only in garnering more and more wealth.

                  So in this Clash of Opposite Forces, people choose different force based on the influence the force has on them. And now the forces encouraging competition are dominating the world leading some to riches and some to unbearable stresses and strains.

** Mirrorboy **

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It must be TRUE


True Globalisation is the FINAL REMEDY to Humanity’s Evolutionary Blunder

                  Man has always been curious about the environment around him. He observed it, understood it and tried to imitate and control it. In the evolutionary process man created boundaries between varying groups of his own species. Many mammals do that. But the basic difference between man and those mammals was that man tried very hard to safegaurd and expand those boundaries. When natural hazards and calamities struck all animals erase those boundaries and run away but man with the help of his brain developed technologies to adapt to or counter those hazards so that the erosion of boundaries doesnt take place. This tendency to not to erase boundaries made man develop technologies to new challenges from nature and his fellow adversaries of own and different species. This has led to what we now call Growth of Man to the top in the hierarchy of the animal kingdom.

                 However My point of view is that man’s reluctance to erase boundaries has led to varying conflicts and wars and the subsequent development of military technologies of defence and offence which have shaped the HISTORY of Human Evolution in the past three to four thousand years.These boundaries have made man a lifetime prisoner ever worried about saving his territory and adapting to natural calamities like famines, floods etc which made him to concentrate more mental energies in increasing production in the existing land in the name of EFFICIENCY. So these boundaries have compelled man to develop technologies and Put himself always at WORK making his MIND a SLAVE to Work. Also these boundaries have created tendencies of COMPETITION between the territories thereby hastening the Growth Process but only to reduce him to a Cog in a Machine. So Man’s inability to escape to the territory of his choice i.e., the natural Migratory Process has made his life a World of Chains which he wont recognize because of the process of socialization that takes place from his birth which makes him believe that the chained world is the real world.

                So here the talk of True Globalisation gains importance. By True Globalisation I mean free movement of people all over the world to the destinations of their choice. There will be no boundaries or no roadblocks for passage from one country to another. This will make the man’s life relatively satisfactory for he will decide whether to stay and continue the existing process or leave to another place and start new. However this process will not stop the Growth process of man because everywhere the process is going on and only this free movement will give him a CHOICE and authority to decide which process he wants to be a part of.

** Mirrorboy **

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